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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Eversince i started to pursue my studies at Sultan Idris Education Universiti (UPSI) at Tanjung Malim, Perak, on June 2019, there are a lot of experience I gained throughout the time. FIRST FLIGHT the first is my first flight from Sabah to KLIA, alone. I was crying heavily as I was leaving my hometown to somewhere new on my own. Thank God I have my parents who always supported me.  DIPLOMA I was homesick, but thankfully I met them (AskaraDansa) as my second family. ASKARADANSA throughout the time, as I spend most of my diploma life with them, I gained a lot more experience and living like an adult as I living independently.  Then , I involved in my first show in campus for (Festival Muallim) 2019. there I met a lot more new faces such as Degree students and lecturers. (festival muallim 2019) FESTIVAL MUALLIM 2019 VIDEO FIRST SHOWCASE As a dance stude...


 As I was said earlier about my name and current study, now, let's know more about me!

I was born in Sabah and I'm from the biggest ethnic from Sabah which is KadazanDusun. as we can see there are a lot of Subethnic of KadazanDusun in Sabah and im mixed with Dusun Lotud (Tuaran District) and Dusun Tinagas (Ranau Distric). I have 3 siblings including myself and I am the eldest. so Im a big sister and the biggest hope to my family. 

I started my education at kidnergarden at Sunshine Tuaran at 4 years old, continue my primary school at 7 years old at SJK(c) Chen Sin Tuaran , and secondary school at SMK Sungai Damit Tuaran at 13 years old. 

After that, I further my studies at Sultan Idris Education University Perak at the age of 18 on the early June 2019. 


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